Secondary trajectories in Reggeon field theories

We study the corrections to any secondary Regge trajectory arising from repeated exchange of the Pomeranchuk singularity. Using renormalization-group methods we are able to determine the form of all Pomeron, Reggeon Green's functions in the neighborhood of J=α(0)=1 for the Pomerons and J=αR(0)12 for the Reggeons. Starting with bare linear trajectories for both Pomerons and Reggeons we establish how these are modified by a triple-Pomeron and a two-Reggeon-Pomeron coupling. In an expansion of the theory around D=4 space dimensions D=2 is where physics takes place), we find three allowed stable points of the renormalization-group equations in the infrared [J1 or αR(0)] limit. For each of these we study the renormalized Reggeon trajectories and the structure of the Green's functions.