Epidote and clinozoisite are widely distributed in the andesitic lavas and tuffs of the Borrowdale Volcanic Series. Four main types of occurrence may be distinguished, namely quartz-epidote vein fillings; ‘Shap type’ veins, bordered by pink reaction zones rich in SiO2, Na2O, and K2O; autometasomatized lavas and tuffs; and tuffs subjected to alkali metasomatism. Epidote alone formed in the quartz-epidote veins; clinozoisite is found with epidote in the other types of occurrence.Epidote and clinozoisite formed in vesicles at pressures of 10–280 kg/cm2, at temperatures of 300–550° C; epidote associated with pre-Bala mineral veins formed in the range 130–550° C at 1000 kg/cm2; epidote around the Caledonian granites probably formed up to 600° C at about 2000 kg/cm2. Clinozoisite crystallized together with epidote in the vesicles, demonstrating a gap in the clinozoisite-epidote solid solution series. Early formed epidote in vesicles is more strongly coloured than late epidote, although the compositions of the earliest and latest fractions are identical.

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