Blood pressures in 32 patients treated with thiocyanate were recorded over a period of 1 to 20 mos. and found to decrease by 15/10 mm. Hg. The influence of thiocyanate is said to be due to lessening of both basal and supplemental pressures. The reduction in basal pressure probably reflects the effect of thiocyanate on the cardiovascular system while the effect on supplemental pressure corresponds to that of a placebo. Marked changes in basal pressure occur in patients with less advanced disease. The optimal serum concn. of K thiocyanate is 8-12 mg:/100 ml. which can be attained, usually, by a dose of 0.3-0.45 g. daily. Above this dosage toxic symptoms are more common. It is considered inadvisable to raise the serum level above 12 mg./100 ml. If the desired result is not obtained at this level, it is unlikely that it will appear at a higher level.