Use of para-amino hippuric acid to measure blood flows through portal-drained-viscera, liver and hindquarters in sheep

SUMMARY The objectives of this study were (i) to evaluate a new surgical procedure to catheterize hepatic vessels as well as the posterior aorta and vena cava, (ii) to test a modification of a downstream dilution technique in order to measure blood flows through splanchnic tissues and hindquarters in rapid succession, and (iii) to improve the reliability of splanchnic blood flow measurements using paraamino hippuric acid (PAH). Ten adult ewes were used. The transhepatic surgical approach used proved successful; it was relatively easy to set up and a good recovery of hepatic functions was obtained. The attempt to measure splanchnic and hindquarters blood flow in rapid succession by alternating the sites of PAH infusion was unsuccessful, probably because of transient modifications in infusion rates due to different blood pressures in veins and arteries. Indeed, arterial PAH concentrations changed with infusion site. Finally, a better reproducibility of splanchnic blood flow measurements was obtained in sheep, fed every 3 h, by infusing the required amount of PAH partly via the mesenteric vein and partly via a ruminal vein.