This paper examines the consequences of self-fertilization on life-history traits and neutral genetic polymorphism in natural populations of three species of hermaphrodite freshwater snails: Biomphalaria straminea, Bulinus globosus, and the aphallic species Bulinus truncatus. Life-history traits (fecundity, growth, hatching rate, and survival of offspring) are compared under laboratory conditions between isolated (obligatory selfing) and paired (outcrossing possible) snails in one population of B. straminea and B. globosus and two populations of B. truncatus. The genetic polymorphism of the same four populations is analyzed using electrophoretic markers in B. straminea and B. globosus and microsatellite markers in B. truncatus. In B. truncatus and B. straminea, isolated snails have a higher fecundity than paired snails, whereas the contrary is observed in B. globosus. For all populations, no difference in hatching rate and offspring survival is detected between the two treatments. Genetic analyses using microsatellite markers conducted in B. truncatus on progeny of paired snails reveal a high selfing rate in spite of high copulation rates, highlighting the difficulties of obtaining outcrossing in highly selfing snails. The high survival of selfed offspring in B. truncatus and B. straminea indicates that inbreeding depression is limited. The extent of inbreeding depression in B. globosus is less clear. Overall, fitness decrease in this species is limited to fecundity. The extent of allozyme polymorphism is very limited whereas a much higher variability is observed with microsatellites. Biomphalaria straminea and B. truncatus populations are also characterized by very low observed heterozygosities and large heterozygote deficiencies, whereas the B. globosus population does not exhibit such a deficiency. Overall these results allow the definition of a self-fertilization syndrome in hermaphrodite freshwater snails: selfing populations (such as those of B. straminea and B. truncatus studied here) are characterized by high selfing rates in spite of copulations, limited deleterious effects of selfing, limited neutral genetic polymorphism, and large heterozygote deficiencies.
Funding Information
  • CNRS-URA 327
  • Université Montpellier II, GREG (94/84)
  • Ministère français de l'environnement (EGPN-94019)