Abnormal patterns of ovarian activity in dairy cows and their relationships with reproductive performance

Progesterone profiles were obtained from 533 dairy cows during the interval from calving to the re-establishment of pregnancy by twiceweekly radioimmunoassay of milk progesterone. The importance of abnormal patterns of ovarian activity on herd fertility was determined. Animals were divided into five categories based on profile analysis: A, normal; B, delayed start to ovarian cycles; C, cessation of cycles; D, prolonged luteal activity; and E, silent oestrus. Animals in categories B to E were subdivided into treatment groups: categories B and C either (i) untreated controls, (ii) single injection 0·5 mg luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (Hoechst) or (iii) progesterone-releasing intravaginal device (Abbott Laboratories Ltd) inserted for 14 days; categories D and E either (i) untreated controls or (ii) single injection 0-5 mg cloprostenol (Imperial Chemical Industries). The proportion of cows in each category was: A 77·5%; B 4·9%; C 5·1%; D 1·9%; and E 10·7%. The incidence of ‘normal’ cows was 75% (first lactation), 80% (2nd to 5th lactations) and 69% (5th to 11th lactations). For normal cows (no. = 413) the interval to the start of cyclicity varied significantly with season but was not correlated with either the intervals to first insemination or to conception. In categories B to E the open period, the number of services per conception, and the days from first insemination to conception were greater than in category A, but only in category C were any differences significant. None of the treatments reduced calving-toconception intervals.