ReactionB11(n, α)Li8(β−)Be8*(2α)for 12- to 20-Mev Neutrons

Ilford 200-μ C-2 plates loaded with B11 were exposed to monoenergetic neutrons produced at nine angles to a 3.5-Mev deuteron beam incident upon a tritium gas target. Mesurements of range and space angles were made upon 450 "hammer stars" which were found to result from the B11(n, α)Li8(β)Be8*(2α) reaction. The cross sections in mb as a function of energy in Mev are as follows: 12.6 Mev, 27.0±6.5 mb; 13.0, 38.4±7.4; 14.7, 30.9±6.3; 15.4, 36.9±7.0; 16.9, 21.9±3.6; 17.6, 23.7±4.8; 18.9, 19.7±3.7; 19.8, 16.3±3.1; 20.0, 15.8±3.1. The angular distribution of the alpha particles from the (n, α) reaction is obtained at each energy. In nearly all cases the Li8 is left in the ground state or in the first excited state of 1 Mev. The Be8 disintegration goes through the broad 3-Mev level and possibly a lower level near 2 Mev. A range-energy relation is found for Li8 in Ilford C-2 emulsion. Comparison with previous experimental results shows closest agreement with Barkas.