Temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza A virus: evaluation of the A/Victoria/75-ts-1A2 temperature-sensitive recombinant virus in seronegative adult volunteers

An influenza A virus recombinant bearing the surface antigens of the A/Victoria/3/75 (H3N2) strain and the two ts genes of the A/Udorn/72-ts-1A2 virus was evaluated for attenuation, antigenicity, and protective effect in 42 doubly seronegative adult volunteers (i.e., individuals who lacked detectable serum antibodies for the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase antigens). This recombinant, which had a 37 degrees C shutoff temperature for plaque formation and ts mutations on the genes thought to code for the P1 and P3 polymerase proteins, infected 90% of the volunteers. Of the volunteers, 5% developed mild coryza or rhinitis but other signs or symptoms were not observed, indicating that the A/Victoria/75-ts-1A2 recombinant was more attenuated than the A/Victoria/75-ts-1[E] recombinant. Vaccinees shed virus for a shorter interval and at a lower titer than did the A/Victoria/75-ts-1[E] vaccinees. Each ts-1A2 isolate retained the ts phenotype indicating that the recombinant was stable genetically in doubly seronegative adults. Finally, the ts-1A2 recombinant induced significant resistance to subsequent challenge with A/Victoria/75 wild-type virus.

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