The natural history of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in patients retransplanted after loss of a primary allograft is not well established. We studied 14 patients with FSGS who were retransplanted between April 1964 and September 1990 to determine if recurrence in a second or subsequent allograft could be predicted. In this group, 8 of the primary allografts were lost to recurrent disease and 6 to rejection. None of the 6 patients who lost their primary allograft to rejection without evidence of recurrent FSGS suffered recurrent disease after retransplantation. In contrast, 3 of the 8 patients who lost their primary allograft rapidly to FSGS suffered recurrent disease and loss of function in all subsequent allografts. The remaining 5 patients had prolonged function of the primary allograft ranging between 4 and 10.5 years, despite recurrence of FSGS. Of these 5 patients, 2 have excellent renal function after retransplantation without recurrence of FSGS in the secondary allograft at 9 and 10.5 years posttransplant; 2 have lost their secondary allograft to recurrent FSGS, but are free of recurrence in the third allograft at 0.5 and 5.8 years postoperatively; 1 maintains a serum creatinine level of 1.9 mg% despite recurrence of FSGS in the secondary allograft at 1 year postoperatively. Our data show that, without recurrence of FSGS in the primary allograft, further renal transplants will be free of recurrent disease. Based on this finding, we advocate use of living-related donors for second transplants in these patients. With rapid recurrence of FSGS and subsequent accelerated loss of the primary allograft, further renal transplants carry a high likelihood of recurrent FSGS and graft loss. A substantial proportion of patients with recurrent FSGS in the primary allograft will have prolonged renal function, and are likely to have excellent results with subsequent allografts.