PGE1 and PGE2 are known to interfere with the water permeability effect of vasopressin in toad bladder and kidney. It has been proposed that endogenous prostaglandin E (PGE), synthesized within cells of vasopressin-sensitive tissues, serves to modulate the permeability changes elicited by the neurohypophyseal hormone. Direct evidence in support of this hypothesis is as follows: vasopressin increases the biosynthesis of PGE2 in renal interstitial cells and in isolated toad bladder. In the latter, inhibition of vasopressin-induced synthesis of PGE by a variety of inhibitors results in a greater water permeability response to vasopressin. It appears that vasopressin has two effects in toad bladder and kidney: (i) it activates adenylate cyclase thereby increasing the concentration of adenosine 3′,5′ monophosphate (cyclic AMP), the nucleotide responsible for the resultant increase in water permeability; and (ii) it activates a phospholipase that serves to release arachidonic acid, the precursor of PGE2 from intracellular pools. The PGE derived from the arachidonic acid diminishes adenylate-cyclase activity, in consequence of which the response of the enzyme to vasopressin is modulated.