Identification of 3-(Methylthio)-Propanol as an Aroma Constituent in `Cabernet Sauvignon' and `Ruby Cabernet' Wines

An aroma constituent present in very small amounts in `Cabernet Sauvignon' and `Ruby Cabernet' wines has been identified as 3-(methylthio)-propanol or methionol. Methionol, which has a raw-potato odor, was identified by its mass spectrum. It was shown that normal fermentation of must to which extra methionine had been added yielded augmented concentrations of methionol, and the methionol from this fermentation was identified through infrared spectra as well as mass spectra. Methionol synthesized from 3-(methylthio)-propanal by reduction with NaBH4 had mass and infrared spectra and gas-chromatographic retention times identical with those of the compounds isolated from the wines A parallel attempt failed to demonstrate augmented production of 4-hydroxy-butyric acid or gamma-butyrolactone when the must was fortified with glutamic acid. Reasons for nonoperation of the Ehrlich-Neubauer-Fromherz mechanism in the case of glutamic acid, and possible alternate pathways for the disappearance of this acid, are discussed.