Application of Mass Fragmentography in the Analysis of Vapourizable Terpenes of Pinus silvestris Seedlings

The aim of this study was to investigate the possibilities of utilising the mass fragmentography technique in the direct analysis of the terpene composition of the vapours in the air-space around Scots pine seedlings in the test chamber. The vapour in the air-space and the terpene composition of the needle oil was analysed by mass fragmentography. Needle oil was also analysed by gas chromatography. Approximately the same results were obtained by both methods. Multi-ion detector was focused on various fragments (m/e 68, 69, 93, 95, 110, 121, 133, 134, 161 and 189) in order to determine the most suitable fragment for diagnostic purposes. Fragment m/e 93 was found to be the most suitable one. Equilibrium time of vapours and reproducibility of this technique have also been discussed. Modification of the interface lowers detection limits of this method for terpene analysis to around a few picograms with a standard deviation on the average 12 percent.