Previous studies from many laboratories have failed to demonstrate a significant synaptic input to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) neurons in the rodent or primate hypothalamus/preoptic area. Having now developed immunocytochemical procedures that result in excellent ultrastructural preservation as well as in retention of antigenicity (Silverman AJ: J Comp Neurol 227:452, 1984), we have reinvestigated the question of the organization of the synaptic arrangements of LHRH neurons in the medial preoptic area of the guinea pig. Afferent inputs to these LHRH neurons include several varieties of axo-somatic and axo-dendritic synapses. Presynaptic terminals contain either round clear vesicles or a mixture of round and flattened vesicles. Most of these terminals, especially when serial sections are examined, contain dense-core granules. Well-defined synaptic clefts are evident and postsynaptic densities can be identified for asymmetrical connections. However, the presence of reaction product in the postsynaptic structure makes it difficult to categorize symmetrical terminals. In addition to these classical inputs, LHRH neurons also enter into complex heterodox synaptic relationships with their neighbors, including somato-dendritic and dendro-dendritic synapses in which the LHRH neuron can be either the pre- or postsynaptic element. These results suggest that complex synaptic relationships might account for the multiple levels of regulation of neurohormone release.