Magnetic Structure of Europium

Neutron diffraction experiments on metallic europium have been conducted over a temperature range from room temperature to 4°K using a sample in the form of europium filings. The data show that the metal undergoes a transition to an antiferromagnetic state at a Néel temperature TN of 91°K and that this ordering process continues until saturation develops at about 20°K. A model which conforms to the data consists of a helical spin structure with the magnetic moments lying parallel to a cube face and with the rotation axis directed perpendicular to the moments or along the [100] direction. The pitch of the helix was observed to change very slightly with temperature; the period was 3.5a at TTN=1 and increased to 3.6a at TTN=0.05 where a is the lattice spacing. On the basis of the above model and the intensities of the magnetic reflections, the calculated ordered moment at each atom site is 5.9±0.4 μB per atom. This measured moment is somewhat less than the maximum theoretical value of 7 μB expected from divalent europium characterized by a spin only ground state of S728. Values of magnetic moment times magnetic form factor, μf, as calculated from Eu coherent magnetic reflections are in agreement with similar values of μf derived from the compound EuO. The intensities of the magnetic diffraction peaks deviate from a Brillouin behavior and instead follow a temperature dependence proportional to (TNT)12 over a considerable region below the Néel temperature. The Debye temperature, as derived from the nuclear peak intensities, exhibited a variation from 70 to 120°K over a corresponding sample temperature range of 100 to 293°K.