The following records are based on notes taken on board the Oithona when engaged in fishing in the bays. Whilst the primary object of the work was the distribution of fish, it was thought that something would be gained if the distribution of the invertebrates in the same area were known. The time at our disposal, however, did not allow of hauls with the dredge and shrimp trawl, so that the records are based, in all but one case, on the invertebrates caught in an otter trawl, the exception being on the Limpet Rocks off Torcross, where one haul with the dredge was taken. This is accountable for the fact that many of the smaller invertebrates were not caught at all, whilst some are only recorded because they were found in fish stomachs. The almost total absence in the records of Tunicata, Polyzoa, and small species of the other groups is due to the fact that only those were recorded which could be identified on board. The records themselves, however, incomplete as they are, are fairly representative of the distribution of the species recorded.