Nuclear Interaction of FastμMesons

An experimental study has been made of events in which a fast μ meson interacts with a nucleus to produce at least one evaporation neutron. The experimental results of major importance are σm¯=(9.1±1.2)×1027 cm2/Fe-nucleus; 1.03<m¯<7.7±2.2; and (1.2±0.4)×1027 cm2/Fenucleus<σ<(8.8±1.1)×1027 cm2/Fenucleus, where σ is the cross section for such events and m¯ is the mean multiplicity of evaporation neutrons emitted. These results are in good agreement with the results of calculations based on present information on the nuclear interaction of γ rays, which lead to the prediction of a σ of about 2.4×1027 cm2/Fe-nucleus and an m¯ of about 3.3. The surprisingly large cross section and small mean multiplicity of neutrons are shown to be reasonable by calculating that about 90 percent of all μ-meson nuclear interactions result in the transfer to the nucleus of less than 300 Mev.