The author has investigated the influence of the state of remanent magnetisation on the transverse and longitudinal magnetoresistances of AuFe spin-glass alloys. Large hysteresis effects have been observed for the first time. Whatever the magnetic history of the sample, the magnetoresistance depends only on the macroscopic magnetisation m= chi H+mr where chi H and mr are the reversible and the irreversible magnetisations. This dependence is very simple and quadratic in m: Delta rho / rho 0=- alpha ( chi H+mr)2. The coefficient alpha is found to be almost independent of the concentration when this concentration is varied from 200 PPM to 70000 PPM (at least). These data contradict a cluster model for AuFe spin-glass alloys but are consistent with a homogeneous picture for both the reversible and the irreversible magnetisations. The anisotropy field concept is not found to be useful in the case of AuFe spin-glass alloys.

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