This talk contains an analysis of quenched chiral perturbation theory and its consequences. The chiral behavior of a number of quantities such as the pion mass $m_\pi^2$, the Bernard-Golterman ratios $R$ and $\chi$, the masses of nucleons, and the kaon B-parameter are examined to see if the singular terms induced by the additional Goldstone boson,$\eta'$, are visible in present data. The overall conclusion (different from what I presented at the lattice meeting) of this analysis is that, with some caveats on the extra terms induced by $\eta'$ loops, the standard expressions break down when extrapolating the quenched data with $m_q < m_s/2$ to physical light quarks. I then show that due to the single and double poles in the quenched $\eta'$, the axial charge of the proton cannot be calculated using the Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly condition. I conclude with a review of the status of the calculation of light quark masses from lattice QCD.