Characterization of an adenylate cyclase system sensitive to histamine H2-receptor excitation in cells from dog gastric mucosa

A method of preparing viable cells from dog gastric mucosa is described. Cyclic AMP in these cells is elevated by histamine and 4-methyl histamine but 2-methyl histamine is only a weak agonist. The effects on cyclic AMP levels are inhibited competitively by metiamide and burimamide which give apparent KBvalues of 3.5×10−7 M and 2.3×10−6 M, respectively. These values are similar to those reported for other histamine H2-receptor systems. The H1-receptor antagonists, mepyramine and chlorpheniramine, have no inhibitory effect on the histamine induced elevation of cyclic AMP: promethazine inhibits the system but not by a competitive mechanism. It is concluded that the histamine stimulated adenylate cyclase system is probably located in the parietal cell component.