Identification of Brassica oleracea monosomic alien chromosome addition lines with molecular markers reveals extensive gene duplication

Chromosomes of Brassica oleracea (2n=18) were dissected from the resynthesized amphidiploid B. napus Hakuran by repeated backcrosses to B. campestris (2n=20), creating a series of monosomic alien chromosome addition line plants (2n=21). Using morphological, isozyme and restriction fragment length polymorphism markers (RFLPs), 81 putative loci were identified. Of nine possible synteny groups, seven were represented in the 25 monosomic addition plants tested. Sequences homologous to 26% of the 61 DNA clones utilized (80% were cDNA clones) were found on more than one synteny group, indicating a high level of gene duplication. Anomalous synteny associations were detected in four 2n=21 plants. One of these plants showed two markers from one B. oleracea chromosome associated with a second complete B. oleracea synteny group, suggesting translocation or recombination between non-homologous chromosomes in Hakuran or the backcross derivatives. The other three 2n=21 plants each contained two or more B. oleracea synteny groups, suggesting chromosome substitution.

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