Heterogeneous distribution of antigens on human platelets demonstrated by fluorescence flow cytometry

We have used fluorescence flow cytometry to analyse cell-to-cell variability in the density of platelet ABH, Ii, Lewis, P, P1Al, Bak,a and HLA class I antigens. Human IgG and IgM antibodies were used in a two-stage assay with goat FITC-conjugated antihuman IgG (H&L) antibody as the label, followed by single cell analysis of 10,000 platelets per sample using a 256-channel fluorescence flow cytometer (Becton-Dickinson FACS Analyser). Computer analysis of fluorescence intensity histograms for mean and peak channel and coefficient of variation shows that the degree of heterogeneity in platelet antigen density varies with each particular blood group. The broad fluorescence distribution curves with oligosaccharide antigens (CVs: A=53, B = 40, I = 44, Lea = 40, P = 40) indicate that these antigens possess a greater variability in the number of sites per cell compared to the more homogeneous distribution of P1,A1 BaK,a and HLA (CVs: P1A1 = 24, HLA = 30). These findings may partly account for the mechanism by which transfusion of ABO-incompatible platelets results in a biphasic survival curve, with a period of early rapid removal of those platelets with a high density of antigen sites, followed by a relatively normal survival curve for those platelets that possess only a few or no antigen sites. In contrast, P1A1 and HLA sites are less variable in number from one platelet to another in a given donor, and immune-mediated removal would be more likely to approximate a single exponential curve.