Multiple harmonics control for three-phase grid converter systems with the use of PI-RES current controller in a rotating frame

Voltage source inverters connected to the grid in applications such as active rectifiers, active filters, uninterruptible power supplies, and distributed generation systems need an optimal ac current control. To obtain zero steady-state error at the fundamental frequency (i.e., unity power factor), the use of a standard integrator in a rotating frame is as effective as the use of a resonant controller in a stationary frame. However, the grid voltage harmonics influence the current controller and generate current harmonics unless several integrators in multiple rotating frames or resonant compensators in a stationary frame are adopted. In this letter, a hybrid system consisting of a proportional integral (PI) controller plus a generic hth harmonic resonant controller implemented in a frame rotating at the n th harmonic frequency is discussed in detail. The hth harmonic controller is able to decrease both the (h - n)th and (h + n)th harmonics, while the PI controller is able to decrease other harmonics if the synchronization phase signal adopted for the frame transformation is unfiltered. It is demonstrated that the use of a PI and sixth harmonic resonant compensator is effective for both positive and negative sequence fifth and seventh harmonics; hence, four harmonics are compensated with the proportional integral-resonant (PI-RES) controller implemented in a synchronous frame. Simulation and experimental tests validate the proposed analysis