An in vivo model for measuring antigen‐induced SRS‐A‐mediated bronchoconstriction and plasma S RS‐ A levels in the guinea‐pig

1 Pharmacological modulation of antigen-induced anaphylaxis in actively sensitized guinea-pigs with intravenously administered indomethacin (10 mg/kg), pyrilamine (2.0 mg/kg) and propranolol (0.1 mg/kg) resulted in a delayed onset, slowly developing bronchoconstriction indicative of a slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A) response. 2 Measurements of pulmonary mechanics on the drug-pretreated animals challenged with ovalbumin demonstrated a more prominent effect on dynamic compliance than resistance. This is consistent with the more potent effects of SRS-A on peripheral rather than central airways. 3 The slowly developing bronchoconstriction obtained after treatment with indomethacin, pyrilamine and propranolol was inhibited by the standard SRS-A antagonist, FPL 55712 and the SRS-A synthesis inhibitors, phenidone, BW 755C and nordihydroguaiaretic acid. 4 Plasma SRS-A levels were determined in guinea-pigs following antigen challenge. The appearance of SRS-A in the plasma preceded the onset of bronchoconstriction and SRS-A levels remained elevated throughout its development. Coincident with the inhibition of bronchoconstriction by the SRS-A synthesis inhibitor, phenidone, was a dose-dependent reduction in plasma SRS-A. The intravenous ED50 in each case was 4 mg/kg. 5 This model of antigen-induced SRS-A-mediated bronchoconstriction should prove useful for the in vivo evaluation and development of therapeutics which regulate the synthesis of SRS-A.