Stimulation of dome formation in MDCK kidney epithelial cultures by inducers of differentiation: Dissociation from effects on transepithelial resistance and cyclic AMP levels

Changes in transepithelial electrical resistance and cyclic nucleotide levels were monitored accompanying chemical induction of domes in a clonal subline of MDCK kidney epithelial cells. Confluent cell monolayers grown on nitrocellulose filters exhibited a relatively high mean transepithelial resistance (387 ohms · cm2). Hexamethylene bisacetamide, a potent inducer of dome formation (Lever, 1979b), stimulated significantly increased transmonolayer resistance as well as elevated levels of intracellular cyclic AMP. By contrast, dimethylformamide, an equally potent inducer of dome formation in MDCK cells, did not appreciably alter either resistance values or cyclic nucleotide levels. These results suggest that induction of dome formation in epithelial cell cultures by compounds generally known as inducers of differentiation may involve multiple and separate mechanisms.