"Food allergy" is represented by a variety of clinical expressions which result from the ingestion of foods to which a specific hypersensitiveness exists. It includes skin lesions such as urticaria and angioneurotic edema, which occur soon after the ingestion of strawberries or shellfish; the violent vomiting in infants taking egg for the first time, and the gastro-intestinal colic, with or without skin lesions, which occurs in certain persons following the ingestion of particular foods ("anaphylaxis alimentaire"). It is with the last form that this report is concerned. FOOD ALLERGY ASSOCIATED WITH URTICARIA Case 1.—History.— A woman, aged 35, was seen in July, 1925. Her chief complaint was abdominal pain and hives. The family history was unimportant. In 1915 an appendectomy was performed for symptoms of the present illness. The patient was treated medicinally some years ago for an enlarged thyroid gland, with good effect. There was a definite history of vasomotor rhinitis induced particularly by house dust, but none of asthma or pollinosis. There were no other significant incidents. The patient has always had "stomach trouble" manifested by burning in the epigastrium, regurgitation of food, abdominal pain and excessive gas. These symptoms occurred singly or together in attacks which varied in frequency and intensity. For the past eight years she has had hives periodically, which were often associated with her gastro-intestinal symptoms. She has tried various diets and medication without relief.