Photoproduction Cross Sections for π+ and K+ Mesons at 3.4 to 4.0 GeV and Their Comparison with SU(3)

The differential cross sections for the photoproduction reactions γ+pπ++n, γ+pK++Λ0, and γ+pK++Σ0 have ben measured for incident laboratory photon energies between 3.4 and 4.0 GeV and for meson center-of-mass angles from about 25° to 45°. The reactions were studied by observing only the charged mesons. The momenta, velocities, and angles of the mesons were measured with a magnetic spectrometer, and the equivalent of nearly monochromatic gamma rays was obtained by performing bremsstrahlung subtractions. The cross sections agree with the inequality predicted from unbroken SU(3). The measured behavior of dσdt as a function of t shows similarities to that observed in studies of mesonnucleon scattering.