Changes in condom use among Black, Hispanic, and White heterosexuals in San Francisco: The AMEN cohort survey

We examined changes in condom use over a one‐year period (1988–89 to 1989–90) among heterosexual Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics (aged 20–45 years) with a Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)‐related risk factor in a community‐based longitudinal sample (n = 716). This study is the first to examine changes in condom use based on a random household probability sample of heterosexuals in high risk neighborhoods of a major HIV epicenter. Heterosexuals with a risk factor made only marginal gains toward increasing their condom use to highly efficacious levels (100% use) from Wave I to II (4% net increase). Blacks, people without a primary partner, and the never married were significantly more likely than other social strata to increase condom use from low‐moderate use at Wave I to always using condoms at Wave II. Nevertheless, changes across social strata remain modest with intravenous drug users (IDUs) and Hispanic women showing negative or no change. The young and highly educated were the most likely to maintain moderate to high levels of condom use over time. These findings provide guidance to AIDS‐prevention efforts by identifying subpopulations in need of more robust prevention programs.