Energetics of theAl27(B11, p3n)Cl34mReaction from Recoil Studies

We have studied, in detail, the Al27(B11, p3n)Cl34m reaction at bombarding energies from 30 to 115 MeV. This paper presents measurements of cross sections, average recoil ranges, and angular distributions of the reaction product Cl34m, the high-spin member of an isomeric pair. The excitation function behavior is unusual, exhibiting a relatively slow decrease in cross section at higher energies. The peak cross section is about 16 mb, and at 65 MeV above the excitation-function peak, the cross section is approximately 2% of its maximum value. Our recoil range results provide strong evidence that the reaction proceeds by compound-nucleus formation at all energies investigated. At the highest bombarding energy, approximately 66 MeV must be dissipated as particle kinetic energies and photons in the compound nucleus de-excitation. The analysis of our angular-distribution experiments indicates that most of this energy appears as kinetic energy of emitted particles. The total particle kinetic energy increases approximately linearly with available energy. Relatively little de-excitation energy is released in the form of gamma radiation, of the order of 7 MeV or less. The trend of total gamma-ray emission energy with increasing available energy is roughly constant, but seems to show a slight decrease. There is no direct evidence that the formation of Cl34m involves preferential selection of compound nuclei with greater than average angular momentum. On the contrary, if the presence of gamma-ray competition with particle evaporation is taken as a criterion of high angular momentum, then our results may imply a strong discrimination against high-angular-momentum events. Our range-energy data for Cl34m in Al are compared with the predictions of stopping theory. The high velocities encountered in our experiments provide a test of the theoretical formulation relating to electronic stopping. Although general agreement is good, there are systematic deviations which may indicate the approximate character of the theoretical assumptions.