There is a type of erythematosquamous pustular eruption on the palms and soles which is frequently considered to be due to mycotic infection and is treated as such in spite of negative results of laboratory observations. I feel convinced that this is an atypical form of psoriasis. Its apparent rarity is due to the fact that it is often overlooked as a special entity. The existence of exudative forms of psoriasis was observed long ago. So-called rupioid psoriasis, the main feature of which is marked exudation, was described as long ago as 1865 by Anderson.1In 1877 Kaposi2remarked that it was sometimes difficult to differentiate psoriasis from eczema, and he mentioned3cases in which eczematous lesions developed on psoriatic plaques. Neumann4reported three cases of eczema the lesions of which changed to typical psoriatic patches. Mathieu5saw four patients with psoriasis whose condition changed