The technique of high‐power microwave double resonance has been applied to the study of transitions between rotational levels of ammonia induced by NH3–He, NH3–Ar, and NH3–Xe collisions. Altogether 127 four‐level systems have been examined for each of the three collisions. From the analysis of the observed results it is confirmed that the A ↔ A and E ↔ E transitions are “allowed” while the A ↔ E transitions are “forbidden” in accordance with the spin considerations. In addition, the rule Δk = 3n (n ; integer) is found where k is a signed value of K . No obvious J or parity selection rules are found. A study of the symmetry of the collisional Hamiltonian leads to an understanding of these rules. It is shown that the Δk = 3 transitions can be caused by the octopole moment Ωxxx − 3Ωxyy of NH3. These considerations lead to the conclusion that NH3–rare‐gas collisions are fairly short‐range (strong) collisions which cannot be interpreted by a single term in the multipole expansion as has often been done.