E2Effective Charges ofg92Nucleons Derived from Quadrupole Moments of High-Spin Isomers inZr88,90,91andMo90,92,94

Static quadrupole moments (Q) of 8+ isomers in Zr88,90 and the 212+ isomer in Zr91, as well as Q ratios of 8+ isomers in Mo90,92,94, have been measured with the time-differential perturbed-angular-distribution technique. The isomers were excited by pulsed heavy-ion beams and recoil implanted into single crystals of Zr in which their quadrupole precession was observed. Our results, the first such data for high-spin isomers in the g92 shell, yield large E2 effective charges for the g92 proton and the g92 neutron. The systematics of these charges are comprehensively explained by particle-vibration coupling and the blocking effect.