Configuration space Faddeev calculations. IV. Trinucleon charge density

The charge densities of H3 and He3 are computed for several potential models. These densities are further broken down into isospin components and into components from the S, S, and D states. Wave functions for these states are plotted in order to illustrate the structure seen in the densities. Inclusion of nucleon finite size eliminates the fine structure seen in the point nucleon cases. Form factors corresponding to those densities are also calculated. The inclusion of a Coulomb interaction between the two protons in He3 is seen to produce a small but nonnegligible change in the density. The theoretical He3 densities for the Reid soft core model are compared to the "experimental" one obtained by fitting the experimental form factor data after having approximately removed the effect of nucleon finite size. The central depression seen in the experimental density is not present in the theoretical ones, and we speculate on this and other discrepancies.