Lack of the ApbC or ApbE Protein Results in a Defect in Fe-S Cluster Metabolism in Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium

The isc genes function in the assembly of Fe-S clusters and are conserved in many prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. In most bacteria studied, the isc operon can be deleted without loss of cell viability, indicating that additional systems for Fe-S cluster assembly must exist. Several laboratories have described nutritional and biochemical defects resulting from mutations in the isc operon. Here we demonstrate that null mutations in two genes of unknown function, apbC and apbE, result in similar cellular deficiencies. Exogenous ferric chloride suppressed these deficiencies in the apbC and apbE mutants, distinguishing them from previously described isc mutants. The deficiencies caused by the apbC and isc mutations were additive, which is consistent with Isc and ApbC's having redundant functions or with Isc and ApbC's functioning in different areas of Fe-S cluster metabolism (e.g., Fe-S cluster assembly and Fe-S cluster repair). Both the ApbC and ApbE proteins are similar in sequence to proteins that function in metal cofactor assembly. Like the enzymes with sequence similarity to ApbC, purified ApbC protein was able to hydrolyze ATP. The data herein are consistent with the hypothesis that the ApbC and ApbE proteins function in Fe-S cluster metabolism in vivo.