A model due to Anderson is used to investigate the superconducting properties of nonmagnetic alloys of simple metals with transition-metal impurities. The alloys are assumed to be very dilute. The resonance-scattering effects in the alloys are related to the width Γ of the bound d state on each impurity, and the physical limit ΓkTc is chosen. Here Tc is the superconducting critical temperature of the alloy. The impurity correlations are dependent on the Coulomb interaction U between d electrons on opposite spin, and are included in the superconducting problem by a self-consistent Hamiltonian due to Ratto and Blandin. The order parameter, the electronic density of states N(ω), and the specific heat are calculated for the superconducting state of the alloys at temperatures T such that 0TTc. It is found that N(ω)(ωωG)12 close to the gap edge ωG, and that U has a strong effect on the thermodynamic properties of the alloys in this temperature range. The thermodynamic properties are also investigated in the temperature range 0TTc. It is found that they depend on the impurity correlations only through Tc. However, the transport properties of the alloys are strongly U-dependent for these temperatures, in particular the Josephson current. Finally, the relation to the Kondo effect is discussed and the results of the paper are considered in the light of experiment.