Magnetothermodynamic data for α‐NiSO4·6H2O, with magnetic fields along two axes, the c crystallographic axis ([001] direction) and the [110] direction, have been interpreted using a spin‐Hamiltonian–molecular‐field model for the NI(H2O)6+ 2 complexes. Best values for the spin‐Hamiltonian parameters are D = 4.741 cm− 1 (singlet–doublet separation for H = 0); gz = 2.2158, gxy = 2.2495 (principal values for the g tensor of the Ni(H2O)6+ 2 complexes); φ = 39.00° (angle the z magnetic axes of the four Ni(H2O)6+ 2 complexes per unit cell makes with the c tetragonal screw axis—the x magnetic axes are perpendicular to the tetragonal axis); γ = 0.272 mole / cm3 (molecular field constant representing an isotropic combined ferromagnetic exchange and dipole–dipole interaction between Ni+ 2 ions); and λ = − 281 cm− 1 (the spin–orbit coupling constant). For the c axis the temperature‐independent susceptibility α was computed to be 0.75 × 104, while for the [110] direction it was 0.98 × 10− 4 cm3/mole. However, a best fit to the magnetic‐moment data for the [110] axis was obtained using only the diamagnetic susceptibility, −1.25 × 10− 4 cm3/mole. A detailed analysis of the methods used in obtaining the parameters from the data is given. The over‐all fit to all of the magnetothermodynamic data is excellent, constituting a “textbook” example of the spin‐Hamiltonian–molecular‐field method.