Neutron-Alpha Scattering in the 20-MeV Range

Angular distributions of neutrons scattered by α particles were measured from 16- to 26-MeV neutron energy by observing the recoiling α particles in a high-pressure gas scintillator. Above 22 MeV, disintegration particles from the He4(n, d)T reaction were observed, also. Data were taken in 25-keV steps over the He5 state at 16.7-MeV excitation energy (22.15-MeV neutron energy) and over the He4(n, np)T, He4(n, n)He4*, and He4(n, 2n)He3 thresholds. Total cross sections of helium were measured at 26 energies from 20- to 29-MeV neutron energy in a good geometry transmission experiment. Angular distributions at neutron energies nα phase shifts suggested by Perkins. Above 22 MeV the agreement is not as good. The total cross sections agree only qualitatively with these calculations. The total cross section and angular-distribution data are consistent with a 32+ assignment for the 16.7-MeV level. The measured yield curve for the He4(n, d)T reaction agrees with that computed from the cross section for the inverse reaction.

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