Alignment of theH2+Molecular Ion by Selective Photodissociation. II. Experiments on the Radio-Frequency Spectrum

Magnetic resonance transitions have been observed among several Zeeman sublevels of the hyperfine states of H2+ in magnetic fields from 50 to 115 mG. The following g-factor ratios g(KF2F)g(KF2F) have been determined: g(1 12 32)g(1 32 52)=0.584(3); g(1 32 32)g(1 32 52)=1.241(6); g(1 12 32)g(3 32 92)=1.051(5). An analysis using the ratios yields equations relating the hyperfine interaction constants b, c, and d in the Hamiltonian H=bI·S+cIzSz+dK·S, such as (2c62d3)(3b2+23c30d6)=(85){[g(1 12 32)g(3 32 92)]1}. When nuclear contributions to the g factors are included and a weighted average of the measured ratios is used with theoretical values of b and c from the literature, a value for d may be obtained. The result is d=32.2±5.1 MHz. With this it is possible to predict the H2+ hfs spectrum in the 20-cm region with an error estimate of a few MHz.