Search for Excited States ofHe6

The excitation spectrum of He6 has been examined through measurements of charged-particle energy spectra from four nuclear reactions. Triton energies up to 22 MeV were used to induce the Li7(t,α)He6, He4(t,p)He6, and Li6(t,He3)He6 reactions. Deuterons of 16- and 22-MeV energy were used to induce the Li7(d,He3)He6 reaction. All of the energy spectra show peaks from the He6 ground and first excited (1.80-MeV) states, but no other structure attributable to states of He6 was observed. Differential cross-section data for the ground and first excited states were obtained for three of the reactions. The (d,He3) cross-section data were compared with the results of distorted-wave Born-approximation calculations and with data collected from the B11(d,He3)Be10 reaction. These comparisons were consistent with an assignment of 2+ for the He6 1.80-MeV state.