In tobacco warehouses of Virginia and N. Carolina, the author collected 3 parasites of the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne (Aplastomorpha calandrae, Lariophagus distinguendus and Chaetospila elegans), and 3 predators L. s. (Tenebroides mauritanicus, Monieziella angusta and Seiulus sp.); 3 parasites of the tobacco moth, Ephestia elutella (Microbracon hebetor, Mesostenus gracilis and Idecthis canescens), and 11 predators of E. e. (Onus insidiosus, Seiulus sp., Cheyletus sp., Theridion tepidariorum, Salticus scenicus, Pardosa, Pellenes, Phidippus, and Marpissa spiders, and the English sparrow). The most important parasites were A. calandrae on cigarette beetle larvae and M. hebetor on tobacco moth larvae. Of the predators, Monieziella mites on the cigarette beetle and Seiulus and Cheyletus mites on the tobacco moth were important natural enemies. None of the spp. discussed brought about a large reduction in the numbers of their hosts.