Strains from feces of cases of gastroenteritis and from normal persons were compared with American Type Culture Collection strains. They were gram-negative, imvic + + [long dash], bacilli. Gelatin, sulfide, tartrate and urea tests were negative. Gas was produced from carbohydrates. Arabinose, galactose, glucose, levulose, mannitol, mannose, rhamnose and trehalose were fermented; glycerol, maltose, salicin, sorbitol and xylose were usually fermented; motility and dulcitol fermentation were either + or[long dash]; cellobiose, dextrin, inositol, inulin, lactose, a methylglycoside, raffinose, starch and sucrose were not fermented. A bibliography of the species is included. It is suggested that this species and Proteus morganii be grouped in a new genus, MORGA-NELLA.

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