BINASAL hemianopsia is still a riddle in many respects and I can only present a critical report, including an interesting observation of my own, which in itself makes the problem still more difficult. A great deal has been published on binasal hemianopsia, but little is to be found in textbooks about this anomaly of the visual fields, probably because it is rarely encountered in individual practice. I shall first present my own case. REPORT OF A CASE A man aged 59, with chronic syphilis, came to the outpatient department of the Boston City Hospital for the first time on July 1, 1940, with the complaint that vision in his right eye had been gradually becoming worse in the past eight months and that reading with this eye was then very difficult. Vision was 3/200 in this eye and 20/70 in the left eye. Ophthalmoscopic examination revealed nothing abnormal. There was