As physicians specializing in nervous and mental diseases, we have all known of the increasingly good results following surgical attack on the pituitary adenomas, results which have been steadily improving for the past twenty-five years. We have heard again this afternoon1of the magnificent work which is being done by the neurosurgeon. I have no quarrel with surgeons but only admiration for their courage as well as their technical skill and for their low mortality, which, in the last ten years of Dr. Cushing's series,2reached the astonishing figure of only 2.4 per cent. (The mortality is not as low in the majority of neurosurgical clinics, being probably nearer 10 per cent.) Recently an accurate, complete and detailed report of a follow-up study of Cushing's 338 cases of pituitary adenoma by Henderson3stated that the good results following surgicaprocedure can be prolonged and some of the