Combination intrathecal therapy for meningeal leukemia: two versus three drugs

The comparative effectiveness of intrathecal (IT) combination chemotherapy using two agents, methotrexate (MTX) and hydrocortisone (HDC), and three agents, MTX, HDC, and cytosine arabinoside (CA), in treating meningeal leukemia was determined in a randomized Southwest Oncology Group study. Following central nervous system (CNS) remission induction the same regimen was used for periodic maintenance until CNS relapse supervened. Complete CNS remission was achieved in 100% of 43 children given two-agent therapy and in 96% of 48 children given three- agent therapy. Length of CNS remission for two-agent therapy was 1-150+ wk, median 47.2 wk; for three-agent therapy, remissions were 1-190+ wk, median 64.6 wk. Differences in length of remission curves were not of statistical significance (p=0.71). Toxicity of combination IT chemotherapy in the two- and three-agent regimens was reduced compared to that of IT MTX alone for CNS remission induction and maintenance. The additive effects of the IT drug combinations have been less than expected. The cytocidal activity of these agents when administered simultaneously of sequentially is not fully understood. Further studies are clearly indicated to determine optimum doses, schedules, and sequences for the chemotherapeutic agents which can be given intrathecally in combination.