Strontium chloride and strontium selenite enrichment broth media in the isolation ofSalmonella

Two new media, strontium chloride and strontium selenite broths, are described for the enrichment culture ofSalmonellafrom human and animal material.In comparative trials, strontium chloride was found to be comparable to Rappaport medium for the recovery of a wide range ofSalmonellaserotypes from human faeces and sewage, and from pig faeces and glands. Both were superior to selenite F medium.Strontium selenite was found to be superior to selenite F in the recovery ofS. typhifrom human faeces and sewage.We are greatly indebted to Mr M. H. Lello for preparing the samples of strontium selenite used in the investigation and for allowing us to publish the notes on his method of preparing the substance.Our thanks are due to Pro. C. T. Huang of Hong Kong for sending samples of faeces from typhoid cases under his care; and to Dr Joan Taylor for her continuing help in confirming or identifying the serotypes of salmonella isolated.We thank Dr W. S. Davidson, Commissioner of Public Health, Western Australia, for permission to publish.