The polysaccharide structure of potato cell walls: Chemical fractionation

Cell walls of potato tubers were fractionated by successive extraction with various reagents. A slightly degraded pectic fraction with 77% galacturonic acid was extracted in hot, oxalate-citrate buffer at pH 4. A further, major pectic fraction with 38% galacturonic acid was extracted in cold 0.1 M Na2CO3 with little apparent degradation. These two pectic fractions together made up 52% of the cell wall. Most of the oxalate-citrate fraction could alternatively be extracted with cold acetate-N,N′,N′-tetracetic acid (CDTA) buffer, a non-degradative extractant which nevertheless removed essentially all the calcium ions. This fraction was therefore probably held only by calcium binding, and the remainder of the pectins by covalent bonds. Electrophoresis showed that both pectic fractions contained a range of molecular types differing in composition, with a high arabinose: galactose ratio as well as much galacturonic acid in the most extractable fractions. From methylation data, the main side-chains were 1,4′-linked galactans and 1,5′-linked arabinans, with smaller quantities of covalently attached xyloglucan. Extraction with NaOH-borate removed a small hemicellulose fraction and some cellulose. The main hemicelluloses were apparently a galactoxyloglucan, a mannan or glucomannan and an arabinogalactan.