Vacuolar Storage Proteins and the Putative Vacuolar Sorting Receptor BP-80 Exit the Golgi Apparatus of Developing Pea Cotyledons in Different Transport Vesicles

In the parenchyma cells of developing legume cotyledons, storage proteins are deposited in a special type of vacuole, known as the protein storage vacuole (PSV). Storage proteins are synthesized at the endoplasmic reticulum and pass through the Golgi apparatus. In contrast to lysosomal acid hydrolases, storage proteins exit the Golgi apparatus in 130-nm-diameter electron-dense vesicles rather than in clathrin-coated vesicles. By combining isopycnic and rate zonal sucrose density gradient centrifugation with phase partitioning, we obtained a highly enriched dense vesicle fraction. This fraction contained prolegumin, which is the precursor of one of the major storage proteins. In dense vesicles, prolegumin occurred in a more aggregated form than it did in the endoplasmic reticulum. The putative vacuolar sorting receptor BP-80 was highly enriched in purified clathrin-coated vesicles, which, in turn, did not contain prolegumin. The amount of BP-80 was markedly reduced in the dense vesicle fraction. This result was confirmed by quantitative immunogold labeling of cryosections of pea cotyledons: whereas antibodies raised against BP-80 significantly labeled the Golgi stacks, labeling of the dense vesicles could not be detected. In contrast, 90% of the dense vesicles were labeled with antibodies raised against α-TIP (for tonoplast intrinsic protein), which is the aquaporin specific for the membrane of the PSV. These results lead to the conclusions that storage proteins and α-TIP are delivered via the same vesicular pathway into the PSVs and that the dense vesicles that carry these proteins in turn do not contain BP-80.