Chromosome Cytology of two Lizards,Agama RuderataandMabuya Aurata Septemtaeniata

The karyotype of the male of Agama ruderata shows 46 elements which can be distingushed into 24 large rod-shaped subtelocentric and 22 small dot-shaped chromosomes. The karyotype of the female of A. ruderata is very similar to that of the male. No heteromorphic chromosomes are observed either in the male or the female. Sex chromosomes are not identified. The fundamental chromosome number comes out to be 46. Meiosis is normal in A. ruderata. At the first metaphase 23 bivalents are seen while the second metaphase shows 23 dyads. The diploid chromosome complement of the male of Mabuya aurata septemtaeniata presents 32 elements which consist of 10 large matecentric and 22 small subtelocentric chromosomes. As the chromatids are observed to be split, the two limbs are clearly identified. The fundamental chromosome number comes out to be 42. The two largest pairs of chromosomes exhibit a secondary constriction in one of the arms. Meiosis is normal in M.a. septemtaeniata. At the first metaphase 32 bivalentes are seen while the second metaphase shows 16 dyads which are distinguished into 5 large and 11 small elements. No heteromorphic pair of chromosomes is distinguished. The karyotype of the female could not be studied due to lack of well-spread metaphase plates. The karyotypes of Agama ruderata and Mabuya aurata septemtaeniata differ markedly from those earlier described.