Inclusive Processes at Large Mass

The combined assumptions of strongly convergent operator-product expansions near the light cone (LC) and pure multi-Regge theory are used to study the inclusive process σ(p)+σ(p)γ(q)+anything, where σ and γ are scalar particles, in the limit of large s=(p+p)2, ν=p·q, ν=p·q, and κ=q2. The leading LC singularity is used to obtain the behavior for κ, with sκ, νκ, and νκ fixed. The results are not changed by including nonleading LC contributions. The result for large sκ, νκ, νκ with fixed ratio η=ννsκ is made to agree with the large-κ fixed-η behavior of the Regge (pionization) limit of large s, ν, ν and fixed η and κ. We find that the cross section dσdκ is a sum of two different exponentially falling terms, one being the pionization contribution and the other being the fragmentation contribution.