In 1893, Mr. G. M. Thomson described an interesting Schizopod from a small pool near the summit of Mount Wellington, which he named Anaspides tasmaniœ, and pointed out many peculiarities in its organisation, tending to show the primitive character of the animal. Dr. W. J. Calman, in 1897, revised Thomson’s description and instituted a comparison between Anaspides and certain Carboniferous shrimps of Europe and North America (Gampsonyx, Palæocaris, etc.), and, in a later paper dealing with the classification of the Malacostraca as a whole, this author proposes to do away with the order Schizopoda with the Amphipoda, Isopoda, and cumacea in a division, Peracarida, placing the Euphausiacea with the Decapoda in a division, Eucarids, while Anaspides constitutes a division Syncarida, by itself.