An asymptotic evaluation of the specific heat of an ideal relativistic Bose gas confined to a cuboidal enclosure (L1×L2×L3) is carried out, under periodic boundary conditions, taking into account the possibility of particle-antiparticle pair production in the system. Finite-size corrections to the standard bulk behavior are calculated explicitly in the regions t>0 and t<0, where t=(TTc)Tc, such that |t|1 and |Lit|1. While for t>0 finite-size corrections turn out to be exponential for all geometries, for t<0 this is true only in the case of a film; for other geometries, such as a cuboid or a rectangular channel, these corrections conform to a power law instead. Finally, we consider the situation in the core region, where |Lit|=O(1), and examine the location t* and the height cρ* of the specific-heat maximum; finite-size corrections in this region turn out to be O(L<1), where L< denotes the shortest side of the enclosure.